
Mom of the Month: June 2024

Each month, we're celebrating a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces for her commitment to a healthy lifestyle and dedication to FIT4MOM.

This month, we're spotlighting an awesome mom who jumped headfirst into FIT4MOM and never looked back! Meet our Mom of the Month for June: Stephanie Cadena

Tell us about who is in your family!

I'm married to my husband Jaron and we have two kids: Samuel who is 2 and Heidi who is 1.

Where is your hometown?

We moved a lot growing up so I don’t really have a hometown. My husband is from Las Cruces though.

How did you find FIT4MOM?

I was sitting on a park bench at Sagecrest Park with my 3 month old Heidi, watching Jaron play with Sam. I had already heard of FIT4MOM from Instagram, but was too timid to take the leap and try it out. It turned out that Stroller Strides was about to begin, and so [instructor] Kat and [owner] Tori were already at the park. Kat spoke with Jaron about FIT4MOM and he told her to come and talk to me, which she did. She not only encouraged me to try it, but helped me sign up right then and there. So there were no more excuses! It was just what I needed at the time, and I will be forever grateful.

What is/was your career?

Before having Samuel I was an ICU nurse. Now, I am a proud Stay-at-Home Mom. I wouldn't change it for anything!

How long have you been a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces?

I joined at the end of August 2023, so about 10 months.

What is your favorite class?

I love Strides 360! It is challenging for me, but it makes me feel on top of the world when I complete it each week!

What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

I like to be in control of everything and have found out that you definitely cannot do that in motherhood! Nothing is how I pictured it, but it is exactly what I now need and want. It's amazing!

What are three of your favorite things?

I love traveling, finding new craft beers to try, and watching my kids grow up.

What is your proudest mommy moment so far?

Parenting my children in a way that heals my inner child and watching them blossom because of it!

What advice would you give to a new mother?

I would say that post-partum anxiety and depression are real, and you deserve to be believed and supported through it. Knowing what I do now, I wish that with my first child I had had the support of the FIT4MOM village like I do now! It has shown me that I am not alone in many of my experiences, and that I am mentally and physically stronger than I ever would have believed!

Anything else you'd like to add?

You may start out just reciting the mantra at the end of each class, but after a while it really starts to take root. FIT4MOM has helped me to realize that I AM strong, I AM confident, I AM beautiful, I AM loved, and I AM and awesome mom!! Thank you to Tori and the entire FIT4MOM team as well as all the mamas in our village. I am so thankful for everything!

We are so lucky to have Stephanie in our village. It wouldn't be the same without her and her kids!