
Mom of the Month: February 2024

Each month, we are celebrating a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces for her commitment to a healthy lifestyle and dedication to FIT4MOM.

This month, we're spotlighting a sweet mama who just hit the 100 class milestone in our village! Meet our Mom of the Month for February: Mazey Curnutt

Tell us about who is in your family!

I’ve been married to my husband, Ben, for about three and a half years now. We have a daughter, Sarah, and she will be two in April! We also have a golden retriever named Sylvie.

Where is your hometown?

I’ve lived in Las Cruces for pretty much my whole life. It’s a good place to be!

How did you find FIT4MOM?

Sarah and I were out running errands and we had some extra time, so I decided to take her to Sagecrest Park to play. As we walked into the park, we saw a group of moms and their kids in strollers. They were going around the park doing different exercises and I remember just wanting to know more! One of the moms came over to watch her kid play on the playground and I asked her about the group. She told me about FIT4MOM and how much she has enjoyed it. I got a card from one of the instructors and we signed up for our first class. We haven’t stopped going since!

What is/was your career?

Currently I am a stay-at-home mom, but I am taking college classes to complete a degree in business. I have no set plans for a future career, but am happy to be home with Sarah!

How long have you been a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces, and what has it done for you?

I have been a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces since June of 2023. This group is one of the things that I look forward to the most each week! I have made lasting friendships and have built some of the best memories, not only for myself, but also for my daughter. FIT4MOM has given me such a loving and supportive community of moms that I’m so proud to be a part of!

What is your favorite class exercise?

I would say my favorite class exercise is probably the plié squats with the ballet arms.

What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

I think that I was surprised at truly how exhausted I felt being a mom, especially early on with a newborn! People would always tell me about being tired and that I should sleep when the baby sleeps, but I didn’t fully understand what that was like! I also think that looking back, even all those sleepless nights have truly been worth it for each of the precious moments of being a mom. I absolutely love being a mom!

What are three of your favorite things?

A few of my favorite things are singing, frosted lemonades from Chick-fil-A, and the Disney Pixar movie Up.

What is your proudest mommy moment so far?

I think one of my proudest mommy moments so far is teaching Sarah about picking herself up when she falls down. When Sarah was first starting to get good at walking, at times she would still stumble and fall. There was one time when she fell in the dirt while we were walking outside. She was upset and her hands were all dirty. My first thought was to tell her “It’s ok! Just brush it off” and I showed her how to rub her hands together to brush off the dirt. Since then, she has learned to do that every time she falls down. This has helped her to not get upset, stand back up, and brush herself off when she falls. It’s been one of my favorite things I’ve taught her!

What advice would you give to a new mother?

The advice I would give to a new mother is that you don’t need to feel like you have to do everything a set and specific way as a mom! Everyone is different and certain things work better for different families. I think that a part of becoming a parent is figuring things out along the way. Do what works best for you and your family! We are often doing better than we think or give ourselves credit for. You are doing awesome, mama!

Anything else you'd like to add?

I’m so grateful to all of the instructors at FIT4MOM Las Cruces for all of the hard work they put into each class and event for our group! Thank you! I have truly grown to love this village of mamas!

We are so lucky to have Mazey in our village. It wouldn't be the same without her and Sarah!