
Mom of the Month: April 2024

Each month, we are celebrating a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces for her commitment to a healthy lifestyle and dedication to FIT4MOM.

This month, we're spotlighting a boy mama who always brings fun energy to our village! Meet our Mom of the Month for April: Victoria May

Tell us about who is in your family!

Nathaniel (husband), Oliver (3) and Maximus (2)

Where is your hometown?

Las Cruces, New Mexico

How did you find FIT4MOM?

When Oliver was in gymnastics class we met [FIT4MOM member] Haley and Teddy, Haley invited me to join and the rest is history!

What is/was your career?

Prior to moving back to Las Cruces in 2021, I was practicing as a personal injury attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada. I now chase toddlers all day and have found a creative outlet in photography.

How long have you been a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces, and what has it done for you?

I've been a member of FIT4MOM Las Cruces since May of 2023. FIT4MOM has given both me and my boys the opportunity to meet so many amazing mamas and kiddos! The socialization aspect of FIT4MOM has been, for us, it's greatest asset. The three of us would 100% be going stir crazy if it weren't for our FIT4MOM friends and village getting us out of the house every single week!

What is your favorite class exercise?

My favorite class is Strides 360. I can't wait to see this one pop up on the schedule more! My favorite exercise is a tie between step-ups and (as much as I and more so my hands hate the wall) wall pushups.

What is something that has surprised you about motherhood?

How much it has changed me. Prior to having children, I always thought of myself as the career-focused no-kids type. Well, after COVID quarantine and my wedding night, here I am two boys later and I want nothing more than to stay home with them FOREVER (still trying to convince my husband on this one, not sure it's working). Now, I'd trade being an attorney for being a SAHM a million times over.

What are three of your favorite things?

Coffee, Machine Gun Kelly & toddler snapbacks

What is your proudest mommy moment so far?

This one is so hard! I can't pinpoint my single proudest mommy moment. Everything from my boys putting their clothes in the hamper to going to the bathroom on their own makes me proud!

What advice would you give to a new mother?

Boy moms: Pee-Pee Teepees DON'T work! Always have a new diaper ready to go before pulling off the old one. All moms: It gets easier... until you have two!

We are so lucky to have Victoria in our village. It wouldn't be the same without her and her boys!