
Introducing our new Run Club+ coaches!

ANNOUNCING…our two new Run Club+ coaches! We are thrilled to introduce Allie Hardwick and Doni Cordova, who will lead our fall session of Run Club+ at FIT4MOM Las Cruces! Together, they have over 20+ years of running experience and dozens of races under their belts.

Keep reading to learn more about our amazing coaches...


About Allie: I have been a runner for over 10 years now and have fully embraced life as a mother runner since my daughter was born in 2023. I believe the most important thing when it comes to exercise is finding something that you truly enjoy and doing it with friends. I am so grateful that my passion for running connected me with FIT4MOM Las Cruces! It's been an amazing way to meet new people and connect with an uplifting, like-minded community.


About Doni: I am the proud mama of a happy little boy. I started attending classes at FIT4MOM when I was about 30 weeks pregnant with him and absolutely fell in love with everything about the workouts, friendships, and fun at FIT4MOM! Before motherhood I would have said that running was my main personality trait. I joined the Army in 2013 as someone who could not run a mile without stopping. Since then, I have raced three full marathons, ran about a dozen half marathons and trained for more 5Ks than I can count (including 12 international 5Ks). I love the awesome benefits to both mental and physical health that running can bring. I truly believe that anyone can become a runner! As a Run Club+ coach I cannot wait to share the joy of running with other mamas while cheering them on every step of the way and celebrating with them at the finish line!

We are so excited to welcome Allie and Doni to the FIT4MOM Las Cruces team and look forward to all of the joy, support and expertise they will bring to our Run Club+ program!

Our next session of Run Club+ kicks off in late August and this time we’re training for the Day of the Dead Race in October!

Take your running to the next level with our 8-week guided training program for 5K, 10K, or half marathon distance runs. We provide opportunities to learn and improve your running techniques through our detailed training plans, coaching, and community support. Come run with us, mama! Interested in learning more? Click below!